Volume 1 – 2020

Our first Edition of Moshin’ The Roof on was limited to 250 copies and was well received by online music sites including Old Head, The Razor’s Edge, Metallum Sub Terra, Original Rock and more, we also received a total album airplay on The MetalMouth Radio Show who also interviewed me as did H (Acid Reign) on his talking bollocks show, as well as featuring as Album of the ‘Fortnight at The Thrash Metal Album of The Fortnight Club’

Artwork was kindly created and donated by Andy ‘Sarge’ Pilkington of Very Metal Art, and CD reproduction was heavily discounted by CRAM Duplication, BandCamp reduced their fees to allow more money to go to the homeless.

Old Head Review

UK Thrashers must be applauded for arranging ‘Moshin…’ in a way that sees it flow really well, especially considering these are 26 cuts of ranging thrash metal styles and with differing production values. Also, to review all songs on offer would simply not be practical. Rest assured all the tracks are worthy of their inclusion and highlight that across England Scotland and Wales there is a vibrant, exciting and progressive thrash metal scene.

The Razors Edge

Intelligently crafted and a fine example of the UK Thrash scene, sonically charged, invigorating and full of life, hats off to all involved. After we emerge from this lockdown, there will be some glorious moshpits waiting for us all.

Original Rock .NET

The following bands contributed to the 2020 Edition of Moshin’ The Roof On, and together we have raised over £1700 for Shelter – Thank You to them all!

If you’re quick you can still grab your physical or digital copy here – https://ukthrashers.bandcamp.com/album/moshin-the-roof-on

RAZORS EDGE review –
