UK Thrashers Team

We wouldn’t be able to function as a site without our awesome team of contributors, all of these guys give up their time to write for us (and often other sites as well) and we couldn’t continue to bring you the content that we do without their support, encouragement and dedication… If you see them at a show, buy them a pint!!

Neil – Boss

Thrasher since the mid 80’s when a Walkman of badly recorded Slayer was thrust onto my ears in the back of a Maths class!! Fortunate enough to be at some classic gigs in 88, 89 & 90 before thrash went into hibernation, and now at over 50 the passion for thrash remains, the classic bands and the youngsters breaking into the underground still excite me as much as they ever did and of course I nerd out over the fact I get to hear music a month before everyone else!!

Hutch – Reviewer/Live Reviewer/Interviewer

I’ve been a fan of metal and rock music since 1980. I have an appreciation for anyone who can play music as I can’t. I write , interview and photograph for several sites covering the whole spectrum except for sleaze which can get in the bin .

Chris – Reviewer

Resident ankle biter, metal nerd and- oh god what’s that smell!?  Guitar hero was the slippery slope that led to a crippling Iron Maiden addiction, that’s just got infinitely out of hand.  Keen to get my hands on anything that that riffs and sounds nasty – and now I can write about what makes the heaviest shit heavy.  I’ll listen to anything from Katy Perry to Necrotic Disgorgement – and you can also catch me onstage with Sawticide.

Gareth – Reviewer

A 50 plus UK thrasher, I’ve been into metal since the mid-eighties, my first real taste of metal was hearing ‘The Trooper’ on a metal compilation tape in youth club, that and an ex-girlfriend in high school, who at the time who was into Mötley Crüe, so to impress her, and move things on somewhat, I borrowed some albums from a mate, and while she quickly went out the door the metal stayed!

Frank – Reviewer/Interviewer

My introduction to metal was about 1978 ish when a cousin came and lived with us for a year, he played Motorhead, Deep Purple and Sabbath non stop, A couple years later it was Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, and Diamond Head that I was listening to. Then came the Thrash invasion in about 1983 and I have have not looked back, occasionally dipping my toes into the death metal world.  I am in my mid 50s and a grandfather, and I have no plans to slow down just yet. Other hobbies include beer and Jack Daniels . 

Chris – Live Reviewer

A Metal lifer from Kent. My first metal gig was Megadeth in 1994 and have been going to as many shows as possible ever since. I am passionate about new artists, especially those from the UK.  As well as thrash I’m into hardcore and stoner / doom metal. My favourite venues at the moment are the Dev and Black Heart in Camden and Leos Red Lion in Gravesend.  

Bolton – Reviewer/Live Reviewer

Coming Soon

Wiggy – Live Reviewer

Coming Soon